

Welcome to our Plants area. We will look at some plants  which deserve a bit more attention. Some sites in our links section have worked up more extensive and complete plant indexes and you can gain a great deal of information there on more common or well known plants. We will also look at some problems that has affected New Jersey gardens recently. Any suggestions for the future, please let me know. Bob Amberg

Annuals - Features great annuals that should be used in New Jersey.

Herbs - No garden should be without these herbs. Easy to grow and fantastic when used fresh.

Perennials - Features the best in new or undiscovered perennials.

Problems - A look at the most common problems appearing in New Jersey gardens.

Shrubs - New varieties are coming out all the time, here's a peek at some of the best.

Links - Please visit our links pages to gain more information on growing, plants, and other information.

What we grow at Amberg's - This contains information on Daylilies, Hosta, Fern, Butterfly plants, Ornamental grasses, and other plants.

Weigela "Wine and Roses"

The course of nature is the art of God. -Edward Young


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Amberg Perennial Farm, Inc.

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